Health Resource Advisors

1340 Smith Avenue, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21209 | phone: 888-88-7511 fax: 888-888-7511 |


Choosing the right Medicare coverage is a difficult and often frustrating process. There are a lot of decision points that most of us have never had to consider. What does Medicare cover? What part covers what? What is my responsibility? The coverage details change every year and the marketplace is crowded with options. But how do you know which is the right choice for you? As a Medicare beneficiary you have choices. Health Resource Advisors is an independent agency that focuses on helping individuals understand these choices in order to make the right health plan decisions.

The links below are to sites that are chock full of helpful information. For example, check out the Medicare site for access to some great tools for searching for plans available in your county.

Helpful Resources